Thursday, 10 March 2011

i'm aware i've totally neglected this blog but art school TAKES OVER YOUR LIFE. will now be posting on a regular basis as week or something meeeeeeeeeeeh

Sunday, 30 January 2011


Friday, 21 January 2011

leo's coming over to my house as i've totally mangled my ankle and i can't do anything for myself. the only way for me to get around my house is by crawling. sounds funny but it's fucking agony. he's bringing me some food though YAY!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

waiting on my train leaving - "every girl has her photography phase, y'know, you take a dumb picture of your feet"

my pyjamas when i'm at leo's

i found this cover of an old kid's book in the studio so i think i'm gonna use it as a cover for a sketchbook that i'll make.

myself and leo looking, uhh, flash-y


for your very lovely zine

Thursday, 13 January 2011

check out stephanie metz! she's a new favourite of mine i think. her teddy bear fetal development is probably the cutest/most beautiful thing i've seen in a looooong time. all images via her website.

so i've just woken up to a migraine and bad skin, luckily i'm off and feel no obligation to go out; although, i do have to do a whole bunch of research for my personal development project. snap!

zach hill - second life

even if you don't like the visuals, you must like the song. chris showed me this and now i'm just all waaaaaahhHhhh over it!

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

been going a bit 'multi-exposure' mad recently
should i get tumblr again? i sorta miss it, although i don't miss all of the regurgitated bullshit that comes out of it, DNO!

art school is tough just now. starting to feel ill because of it. not good. first image is of nina who is probably one of the best things to come out of 2010. second image is nina's work and 3rd is me lookin' blurry n shit.