it's only 3.15pm and i'm wanting it to be past 5 so i can call leo because that's when he'll be out of work and i want it to be past 6 so my mum can come home and make me some nice food. i'm home alone and it's shit. at least i'll have some company tomorrow, also on monday i'm excited to start my new project, we're gonna be making a MASSSSSIVE installation that's to take up the whole studio near enough. WIZARD!
i've been listening to too much of beach house, best coast and warpaint. as much as i love them i don't want to hate them by listening to them over and over again. any suggestions...?
"I'm really happy with how the book turned out and I can't thank Upper Playground and Gingko Press enough for giving me the opportunity to put together this cross section of my work. I hope it inspires other artists to persevere and follow their dreams. Because if a weird skate/art nerd in Texas can get a book published, then I don't see why anybody else couldn't."
- Michael Sieben
hate tiny pictures but hey it's a very cute christina ricci with a very large rabbit
i want to be able to make stuff like this, suuuuper cute!
i'm kind of over resizing pictures, it takes too long.
disinterested in; fashion blogs, drags, unecessarily large cameras, photo shop, being money-less (but maybe not for long)
interested in; old friends, sincerity, larry david, GSA, black denim, ponyo, employment prospects
today is couch potato thursday! last night leo stayed and my mum bought us chinese food, we watched annie hall for the BILLIONTH time and then i went in for a hot bath and then we went to bed. he had to leave super early this morning because he has work. so i walked him along to the station at 8am or something and came back and passed out on my bed. i woke up at 12ish and now i'm slouched on the couch watching season 3 of curb your enthusiasm. sounds just fine!
keith haring knock off by leo. on the bottom right hand corner it says "SRY 2010" meaning sorry d'awwwwwwwwwww he drew me it when he was being a WANK.
louis armstrong picture
witto hedgehog
witto owl
picnic blanket
another knock off by leo, only this time andy warhol. he gave me this on my birthday.
dead flowers that i'm keeping for some reason
wellington boot candle. i've got two of them!
something that i made ages ago
and something that i made TODAY! it's a new pencil case for all of my...pencils? yeah and splatter brush ETC
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
i'm at leo's just now but he's off doing manly stuff with his dad just now. so for the next hour or so i'm sat alone reading this, which, if i'm honest isn't too bad because it's SUCH a good read. i'm nearly finished reading it! i've requested that leo returns bearing gifts ("gifts" being chocolate and crisps) i'm binge eating, SOMEONE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!
oh, i started my prep course at the glasgow school of art on monday and everyone is very sweet and i'm really enjoying it. that can only be a good thing i'm sure. i've been arriving a good half hour before class even begins so i've started walking down the road to sainsburys where i buy chocolate-pastry-deliciousness for breakfast.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
having toothache makes me want to vom. it also makes me dribble like a teething baby. hot.
Monday, 9 August 2010
dude it's so, old
paul has lended me a few comic books to read and this is one of them! it sounds amazing so i can't wait to start reading it AND...
...this is what happens when you don't brush your hair EVER. fucking dreadlock looking tugs. it's awful, don't think i'll ever get rid of them. maybe i should actually just cut all of my hair off. been told i could make it as a baldy.
beach house - silver soul
Sunday, 8 August 2010
this morning i've already eaten a sandwich, which in turn just added to my SEVERE TOOTHACHE. honestly, it's so painful, puts me off doing anything. i'm glad today's a sunday, i feel no obligation to go out and do anything. i started doing more stupid drawings of ugly girls again 'cause for a while i actually felt inspired. just now i'm listening to beach house and deciding between going in for a long bath or watching freaks and geeks in bed. i'm gonna take some solpadol (the strongest painkillers ever ever EVER) and maybe go for a kip. i'm unsure. later on though i plan to convince my boyfriend that hanging out with me today sounds like the best idea in the world. think he'll fall for it?
i miss my mum. i wish she'd just come back from holiday already.
Friday, 6 August 2010
feels like people have sort of forgotten about literature and REAL BANDS and proper films. instead, everyone's concerning themselves with taking pictures of their friends wearing expensive bras and only blogging about shit that they think other people will deem as cool or something. wish there were less pseuds and more funny folk. gonna tune my ukulele and start PLAYIN' cuz i want to be in a grrrl band.
also, make sure you listen to this, warpaint make some of the most enjoyable music i've ever put my ears to. you can find out more about warpaint here at francesca's warpaint tumblr!
been listening to warpaint demos and watching freaks and geeks. today i looked like juno. keepin' it androgynous, y'know?
styx - come sail away
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
francesca came over last night and our time together has consisted of: carpet picnics, warpaint and enjoying the idea of DREAMY BOYS. mhmm. also, too much smoke. the only thing i hate about getting together with francesca is how my room smells afterwards. paint crossed with dirty smoke.
Monday, 2 August 2010
if i had a job, i think i'd be less of a bitch. i think leo's coming over tonight which means i'll most definitely have to cook. i need to finish painting my room too, the fumes are SO bad, honestly.
band that i will most definitely be listening to during my painting process: micachu OF COURSE!