so my mum left for her 10 day break away from her psychopathic children. hope she has fun. she's basically left like no money so i guess for the next week or so i'm gonna be scrounging off my boyfriend and friends. have fun with it guys!
Friday, 30 July 2010
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Monday, 26 July 2010
i'm sick, someone put me out of my misery. i got up about an hour ago and had a mint aero mouse, two baguette slices of wholemeal bread and some irn bru for breakfast. i'll start eating healthily again as soon as my mum bothers to go food shopping, instead, she's entered her granddaughter, my neice, into a competition for cutest babies or something, i don't even know, slightly makes me feel a tiny bit ill, so she's away getting her pictures taken today which you have to pay for? although, if i'm gonna be honest, i don't think i've seen a child quite as attractive as skye before so she's got a good chance, plus if she wins, she wins a £1000 voucher for boring old debenhams (i need new make-up and a new bed frame so that £1000 could actually come in pretty handy). wait wait wait WHAT AM I SAYING? i don't want her to win, it would be superficial, weird and WRONG! yes, that is what i really think.
the above picture of us was taken a few weeks ago, she's got more of a "personality" now.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
i've been pretty busy today. i've been decorating my room! just white, nothing special, but hey, it's looking cleaner already. once i had finished painting one half of my room, i pigged out on ice cream. as you can see, i am completely COVERED in paint. it's in my hair, up my nose, under my dress????? that's all part of the "fun" i suppose. i intend on resuming my painting tomorrow.
robert crumb
i got up pretty early this morning and ate ice cream for breakfast because i feel like a fucking zombie, as well as looking like one too but i'm pretty cool with that. so just now i am "browsing", wishing i had more than £30 to my name, drinking irn bru and listening to the B-52's. later on when i've stopped feeling like shit, i'm gonna start painting my room. sunday is probably the best day of the week i'd say.
Saturday, 24 July 2010

what do you look like in the morning? this is what i look like. nuht pretty! anyway, today i am going to a bbq that my dad and his girlfriend are having at their house. it's not that sunny to be honest so i hope it doesn't start raining or even worse (better), SNOWING! but that'll never happen. so, because of this, i have no idea what to wear. i know i'm definitely going to wear my nice wedged cloggs but that's about it. maxi or short? can't decide.
Friday, 23 July 2010
i tend to watch the best kind of movies when i'm at leo's because, unlike me, he can actually be bothered to put a movie on. i think i've put myself off watching movies due to the successiveness of re-watching movies i've already seen. the squid and the whale literally makes me feel ill now, i've watched it that many times. mainly because i am a fucking pauper who can't afford new dvds (not even £3 fopp ones) shame really. anyway leo and i went to the library and picked out some movies to watch and this was amongst them and i really liked it.
one movie i pretty much REALLY DISLIKED on the other hand was this one:
Thursday, 22 July 2010
the underground's a drag
some kid nearly fell under a train yesterday but then his mum pulled him out super quick. he slipped down the large gap between the platform and the train. those gaps are getting worryingly wider, i think "they're" testing us. i also got super envious of people walking onto the platform with umbrellas 'cause i left mine in the cinema hall, SO not like me, i never forget/leave/misplace/lose things ever. a couple caught me looking at them while they were kissing which is never too much of a good thing, they made me feel like a total creep. i wasn't even intentionally looking at them, they just looked weird. also, when i was pretending to send texts on my phone in order to draw the least amount of attention to myself, i could see a shuffling man coming in my direction thinking he was going to rob me of my spare pair of shoes and/or virginity, but he didn't. thank god. the underground makes me fucking nervous, although the underground is made for musicians like cat power etc so i just listened to her on my little shitty decrepit ipod and semi fell asleep.
Friday, 16 July 2010
these are my favourite songs at the minute. i've made a playlist of them all on spotify, so if you have a spotify account, you can listen here
belle & sebastian - lazy line painter jane
caribou - thistles and felt
port o'brien - tree bones
dial F for frankenstein - wes vega
micachu & the shapes - lips
le loup - breathing raptures
le volume corbe - freight train
the low anthem - charlie darwin
the drums - best friend
kenickie - i would fix you
pixies - tony's theme
band of skulls - death by diamonds and pearls
band of skulls - honest
Thursday, 15 July 2010
yes, fellas and lassies, that is lauren laverne! good band but lauren laverne is just so unlikeable now. anyway, this is a really good song so LISTEN.
lookbook, really?
lookbook is superficiality at its very best. when i'm scrolling through i sometimes think 'oh, that's a real nice dress, i like her hair' however i am immediately put off by the purge-worthy captions and self-proclaimed descriptions. for example: '15 year old socially awkward girl from rainy britain'. it's just frustrating that being awkward and having really odd people skills is the done thing and that somehow it's hip or something. also, 15 year olds should be socially awkward (in an honest, non-pretentious kind of way) THEY'RE 15!!!!!! i don't know, age may have nothing to do with it but lookbook is DEPRESSING. most of the girls are skinny, rich and pretentious and i just think the whole thing is pretty unecessary. also, the boys? if my boyfriend was on lookbook i think i'd probably just, die?
so i'm assuming i'm not the only one that's noticed the similarities between the new cadbury flake advertisement and the kate moss hologram for an alexander mcqueen fashion show. both are really beautiful but i have to say, the kate moss one will always have the edge on the flake one.
kate moss for alexander mcqueen fashion show
cadbury flake advertisement
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
samye ling
me looking not so hot after a 4 hour, billion degrees bus journey
wishing tree
i went to samye ling not more than 2 weeks ago with some of my, now ex-classmates. it was really pretty as you'd expect and reasonably interesting but the tour did kind of drag on a little. everything is so expensive there too. for materialistic-less buddhists, they sure as hell don't mind taking your money. these are just a few pictures from the day, i couldn't afford film so i had to take my mum's digi so they're a bit...flat.
ok so now that i have totally and completely dicthed tumblr for good (feels like an old boyfriend or something) and have moved back to blogspot, i am going to post a few things from my tumblr on here that i think is worth knowing about. first of all, film! we all like a good film and seeing as how there is a severe lack of good films out in the movies just now, i am going to share with you two good ones i have seen recently.

junebug and...

2 days in paris
they're not too complex or anything, just nice easy-watching so i know you won't be disappointed.
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